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La Suissa Chocolates is an Italian chocolate company that specializes in the creamy confection known best as ‘gianduia,’ a chocolate, nut paste creation of smooth textures and amazing flavors. The company got it’s start and is located in Piemonte, Italy and made it’s mark in the chocolate industry with their signature gianduia.

They have also made headway in varieties for those with specific dietary needs, providing many gluten-free chocolates that vary in flavors, fillings and consistencies. For those with Crohn’s disease, celiac disease and other gluten sensitive conditions, this is a real step forward in how people with dietary restrictions can indulge in guilty pleasures without health risks.

The multiple choices in chocolate selections from La Suissa is astounding, and inclusive for everyone, so enjoy to your heart’s content!

Chocolate Hazelnut Gianduja
Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Gianduja